Esok saat terbit di ufuk timur, saatnya bagi umat muslim melaksanakan puasa ramadhan
Bulan ramadhan merupakan bulan beribu ampunan. Bulan dimana setan dibelenggu sehingga tidak berkeliaran dan mengganggu manusia.
Di gerbangbulan penuh ampunan ini, saatnya kita memohon ampunan atas segala dosa yang telah diperbuat.
Inilah saatnya kita berlomba-lomba memperbaiki kualit keimanan kita dlm rangka memperoleh dan ridho-NYA.
Agar kita bisa menjadi umat muslim yangan, sehingga dapat menjalani hidup dengan , baik di kehidupan kita di dunia maupun kehidupan di akhirat kelak.
Amin yang kenceng,…amiiiiiiiiin
Ramadhan kali ini saatnya kita merekan sbg umat muslim yg baik , dengan cara menjauhi yang dapat membatalkan ibadah puasa kita, seperti sikap meng hawa napzu dan watak aku (ego).
Itu semua agar lapar-hausnya kita tdk -
Mohon maaf lahir-batin, sbg umat muslim yang , hendaknya kita selalu berima kasih atas segala nikmat dan karunia yang ALLAH SWT limpahkan dengan cara bersyukur.
, saatnya kita kan ramadhan taun ini, dengan segala aktifitas yang me*ramadhan*kan diri kita.
Duh, bener ne para provider kita. Moga kita semua alu mendapatkan
Masalah teror sudah menjadi musuh bagi semua negara di dunia (terutama negara-negara barat), Keeksistensian dan aksinya banyak meresahkan masyarakat (Walau ada beberapa yang menurut saya mempunyai tujuan yang jelas dan mulia), Namun begitu tetap saja teroris dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang terlarang.
Berikut ini adalah 10 Kelompok Teroris paling terkenal di dunia : 10. Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) Kelompok teroris ini berdiri pada bulan Juli 1992. Kelompok ini adalah kelompok oposan pemerintah Aljazair yang selalu melakukan aksi-aksi per-oposisi-anya dengan teror. Kelompok ini mulai terkenal di dunia setelah ikut serta dalam aksi pembajakan pesawat Air France 8969 pada tahun 1994.
9. Aden-Abyan Islamic Army Kelompok ini adalah kelompok Jihad Islam terkemuka di Timur tengah, Namun begitu basisi kelompok teroris ini berada di Yaman. Belum jelas kapan kelompok ini didirikan, namun mulai terkenal di dunia setelah peristiwa penculikan 16 turis pada tahun 1998 di kota Abyan.
8. Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna Kelompok Teroris ini berdiri tahun 2003, kelompok ini adalah kelompok yang menentang pemerintahan Irak di masa Nouri al maliki serta penentang keras pendudukan Amerika serikat di negeri 1001 malam itu.
7. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia Kelompok teroris Kolombia yang dianggap masih setia dengan paham Marxis-Leninis serta dianggap sebagai salah satu gembong perdagangan narkoba dunia. Didirikan tahun 1964 dan hingga kini tercacat ada 12 ribu pejuang dari kelompok ini yang setia menjarah uang orang-orang kaya untuk diberikan kepada masyarakat miskin.
6. Kurdistan Worker’s Party Dikenal sebagai PKK, kelompok ini didirikan pada 27 November 1978 di Turki dan berorientasi untuk memerdekakan negara kurdi. Wilayah operasinya berada di Turki, Iran, Suriah dan Irak.
5. Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam Kelompok teroris paling berpengaruh di Sri Lanka, didirikan oleh Velupillai Prabhakaran pada bulan Mei 1976. Dan hingga kini dilarang di 32 negara di dunia karena aksinya yang telah banyak membunuh petinggi Sri lanka dan India
4. Hezbollah Salah satu kelompok teroris paling berbahaya di dunia. Kelompok teroris ini berpusat di Lebanon, namun juga eksis di Iran dan Suriah. Orientasi utamanya adalah memerdekakan negara-negara Syiah dari penjajahan Amerika serikat dan antek-anteknya.
3. Taliban Taliban adalah organisasi teroris yang didirikan oleh suku Pashtun dengan dukungan beberapa negara Islam seperti Arab, Chechen, Uzbek, Tajik Punjabi. Sebagian besar anggotanya adalah mahasiswa. tujuan utamanya adalah mengusir pendudukan NATO di Afganistan dan sekitarnya.
2. Hamas Singkatan untuk "Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamia", Hamas adalah kelompok sosio-politik teroris Palestina yang didirikan pada tahun 1987. Organisasi ini didirikan dengan tujuan Jihad dan untuk melepaskan Palestina dari penjajahan Israel. Dikenal karena pelaku bom bunuh diri yang pemberani, kelompok teroris ini secara signifikan didukung oleh Hizbullah untuk membunuh warga sipil Israel dan petugas pertahanan.
1. Al-Qaeda Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Al-Qaeda. Kelompok teror terbesar di antara semua kelompok teroris di seluruh dunia. Kelompok ekstrimis Islam ini didirikan pada tahun 1989 oleh Osama bin Laden, Kelompok ini terkenal di seluruh dunia setelah serangan 11 September. Walaupun pemimpin utamanya yakni Osama dikabarkan sudah tewas, namun organisasi ini tetap hidup.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time, known in Japan as Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Super Fusion! Bonds That Transcend Time is a 3D film, starring the three protagonists of Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Yugi Muto, Jaden Yuki and Yusei Fudo. The movie was produced in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the series.
Apocalyptic future
In the future, the human civilization had been destroyed. Paradox travels back in past to prevent his future by eliminating the source of that destruction; Duel Monsters and its creator, Maximillion Pegasus.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's present
Yusei Fudo had a nightmare about the Zero Reverse incident that his father created. With Yusei upset, Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan decided to have a Turbo Duel to cheer Yusei up. After driving down the highway, Paradox, who traveled back in Yusei's time, challenges Yusei to a Turbo Duel. After a few turns, Yusei tunes "Junk Synchron" with "Junk Warrior" and Synchro Summons "Stardust Dragon", but Paradox reveals a blank card, and launches a beam at "Stardust Dragon", absorbing it and creating a blackened corrupt card of it into the blank card. Yusei confronts Paradox, who shows him the corrupt card, before vanishing through time again. Yusei, Jack and Crow halt their Duel Runners and look in bewilderment at the original "Stardust Dragon" card, whose illustration has just been blanked.
Yusei, Jack and Crow then started questioning about Paradox's identity at their garage, when Akiza Izinski, Leo, and Luna arrived, and showed the archives they found about the past. They found an old article about "Maximillion Pegasus" and "Yugi Muto", with Yusei recognizing Yugi as a legendary duelist. They also discovered a record of "Stardust Dragon" assualting various duelists in Europe. Knowing that "Stardust Dragon" could not have existed in that era, Yusei zooms in on the article's picture to discover Paradox standing in the background of the dragons. Outside, New Domino City begins to crumble and collapse. Witnessing the destruction, Jack Atlas realized that "Stardust Dragon's" existence in the past is now changing the future, which is their era.
With the support of the other Signers, their marks begin to glow as the complete Crimson Dragon appears on Yusei's back followed by Yusei's Duel Runner glowing as well. Yusei feels himself being called by the Crimson Dragon and beckons Yusei to board his runner. With its help, a time slip is opened and Yusei begins his chase after Paradox.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX present
In Venice, Paradox finds Jaden Yuki, who still has the powers of Yubel and The Supreme King. Paradox attacks him with "Cyber End Dragon" and "Rainbow Dragon". Jaden manages to resist by Summoning "Elemental HERO Neos" to protect him. In response, Paradox Summons "Stardust Dragon", a monster from the future, and proceeds to overwhelm Jaden (This scene is how the movie opens before changing to Yusei's nightmare of Zero Reverse). Stardust Dragon's first attack almost destroys Neos and sends the two skidding backwards into a wall.
As Paradox commands Stardust Dragon to attack Jaden again, Yusei appears with the Crimson Dragon, who takes the blows for Jaden. Paradox disappears once again.
Soon, Yusei and Jaden began to chat on a roof. Seeing Yusei's Duel Runner, Jaden gets excited seeing such a technology, asking Yusei if that was the Duel Disk of the future. He then explained that he came here because he heard that there were cards missing from duelists. Yusei explains to Jaden that Paradox is trying to change the past, and that his target was Maximillion Pegasus. Jaden then used his laptop to find out an article about the event that Paradox performed that would create a major historical event. (In the English version, Jaden did not believe Yusei, which is why he opened his laptop and discovered that truth.) Jaden then checks his card, as his "Elemental HERO Neos" card turns into a blank card. As the country began to collapse, Yusei tells Jaden that they must hurry to save the world.
Riding Yusei's Duel Runner, the Crimson Dragon then took both of them even further back in time.
Yu-Gi-Oh! present
Meanwhile, in Yugi's timeline, Maximillion Pegasus is currently holding a tournament. The Sakiyomi Jan Bang! made a cameo as the MC of the event. Yugi and his grandfather, Solomon Muto, noticed "Stardust Dragon", "Cyber End Dragon", and "Rainbow Dragon" in the sky. Paradox then attacks the crowd with "Cyber End Dragon" and "Stardust Dragon", killing almost everyone, including Pegasus and Yugi's grandfather.
Amongst the ruins, Yugi is the only survivor against Paradox's attack. He stands up and searches for other survivors. He finds a bandanna belonging to his grandfather, and cries over his death.
At that moment, a crack in the space appears, and the Crimson Dragon suddenly "swallowed" Yugi. Then, Yugi is thrown back in time at the same place half an hour earlier. Yusei and Jaden find Yugi and explain to him what they know about Paradox to him. Yugi agrees to fight with them against Paradox to free the trapped monsters and save the world.
At the event, Jaden Summons Yubel and starts to scare the audience, so they would flee. By doing so, Yugi hopes the future is safe as Jaden regains his "Elemental HERO Neos" card. However, Paradox arrives regardless to the shock of the heroes, as Yugi asks Paradox what kind of person he is, to which Paradox replies that he is from the future which was destroyed by Duel Monsters. He intends to destroy the game of Duel Monsters to prevent that future happening. Jaden tries to tell Paradox that by changing time and trying to destroy Duel Monsters, he will also erase people from the timeline as well, but Paradox does not care, vowing to do whatever he can to save his time. Yusei, Yugi, and Jaden challenge Paradox to a 3 on 1 Duel, with a time limit of 20 minutes, before Pegasus arrives at the event, and the other dimensions crumble to pieces. Yami then asks Yugi to allow him to Duel in his place, as Paradox accepts this challenge and the Duel begins.